
Let’s have an all-female-speakers conference next year.
I’d have many ideas.


  • An even better proposal from Amy:

    Here’s an interesting idea, a main stage with three “tracks”:
    – speakers that come from a blind / peer-reviewed call,
    – speakers that are invited by a diverse panel of industry leaders / students / educators / newbies,
    – and a track of new voices, people that are new to the field / new to speaking …
    I don’t know, maybe even a „surprise“ guest speaker.

    I feel like [a conference] needs to start differentiating itself from the quickly crowding pool of type conferences.

  • Ich bin dafür. Ausschließlich Frauen. Ich höre zwar schon wieder das Gekreische, dass das völlig unnötig sei und man dann wieder beginnen würde, auch die Männer auszugrenzen. Mag sein. Für die gibt es aber ja schon Rampenlicht in Hülle und Fülle, die dürfte das gar nicht tangieren.

  • I don’t know Indra. The whole “Women of Design” thing feels a bit condescending to me. The importance of your voice has very little to do with your chromosomal makeup. ;)

  • What’s condescending about having a conference with female speakers? I find the token woman thing more condescending.

  • I think it’s a great idea. The people who speak at one conference tend to get invited to speak at additional conferences. An all-female ATypI (or TypeCon etc) would influence the speaker line-up at all type conferences for the next year or so afterwards.

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