Fonts In Use turned five!?

Can’t believe we launched Fonts In Use five years ago today. What started as a humble blog with not even a handful of writers developed into an enormous, divers resource with countless contributors.

One of my favourite posts still is the one about type at the Bauhaus that I wrote in the very early days (actually, reposted from this site [oh dear, kaputt image links]) although it is very brief and I would write it very very differently today. It is a favourite because of the discussion that followed and that, back then, it still seemed OK to post something short and not super elaborate and eloquent. Put a proposition out there and let the ensuing discussion take over, then subsequently expand and clarify on the points that people find interesting or debatable. But no one is commenting on the internet like this today. The standards for good blog post became so high (deep topic, solid research, excellent imagery, engaging layout and presentation, detailed references …) that they discourage me to even write/attempt one. I recently decided that I don’t want this to be the case on my own blog any longer though. (As you probably noticed, confusedly babbling here more again.)

Here’s to more interesting discussions on the internet in coming years, and especially many more about fonts in use and Fonts In Use.