I hacked my Messages

I’m not a fan of Apple’s Messages desktop application, but there was no escape when I bought a new computer last December. Because this is not my only discomfort with Mountain Lion (slow RSS-less Safari, slow scrolling, ugly GUIs, weird file system, weird lots) I kept using my 3,5 year old MBP a lot. But mainly because I disliked so many things about this new chat program. In the way I work I’m depending on chat (and disliking Skype even more), and I need the search functions for text, links and images to refer to discussions at a later date.

Messages is great when you use iMessages with email addresses and want to have the conversations on all your devices. This does not work with phone numbers (how I text message mostly) and not with my ancient AIM name which I still happily use. But what I’m bemoaning most are the missing inline images as soon as you close the chat, the inaccessible way it stores chat transcripts and loss of the ability to determine where they get saved, plus the lousy search function. Basically I miss all the great functionality the Chax extension added to iChat.

So I did some investigations and hacks.

Despite the (buggy) infinite scroll in the chat window, there are still individual transcripts of all chats, stored in the same why as it was in iChat: named by recipient and date, sorted into folders per day. These live in your user library folder (User/Library/Messages/Archive) which is invisible by default, but you can make it visible by alt-clicking into the Go-to menu in the Finder. One tip I read is to then drag this folder into the side bar of a window if you want to access it frequently. There are also tool sets like Mountain Tweaks that let you make the the library folder permanently visible (and many more handy things).

Okay, I found my logs and can open them individually for easier search and reference, but all inline files are still missing. That makes it hard to reconstruct conversations and you have to remember to save important files to your desktop. There is an Attachments folder in the Library/Messages folder, but it seems to only stores images that are send in an iMessages conversation from a phone number.

A second important thing for me is to determine the place where to save the transcripts. I had set up iChat to store these in a folder in my Dropbox. This is a handy auto-backup and great if you use more than one computer and want to have them all saved into the same archive. I googled a fair bit and finally found this recipe how to change the location of your Messages archive folder. After a tiny struggle with Terminal it worked. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly. The command creates an alias where the default library-folder was that links to your new folder in your dropbox.*


Rejoice, I now have one unified place again for both iChat and Messages transcripts in my Dropbox. But the coolest discovery is this: since Messages still uses the same file format as iChat, it displays chats I did on iChat together with the chats from Messages in its chat window. In reverse I can open all chats from Messages in iChat on my old computer – WITH THE INLINE IMAGES ALL IN PLACE! What the hell Apple!? Why don’t you let us see the images when they are still all saved into the log files? These are just as big or small as before, depending on how many images you pasted (from 2K for a single line of text to several 100 MB.)

This all may not bother you if you only us one computer or don’t want to reference your chat logs, but for me it lets me make peace with this unbeloved machine and finally start enjoying it in all its high res glory.


* Potential problems: If you try to chat right after hacking your Messages and it doesn’t work with peeps you were talking to shortly before, Messages might have a hick-up and confuses the transcripts. Quit the app, move the latest convo with that contact out of the archive folder and try again. Secondly, after my first Terminal attempt, my video chat icon disappeared and Messages told me my computer is not able to video chat. If this happens to you, put “defaults write com.apple.iChat newbwdup 300000” into your Terminal and it will reset something magically.



There are two drugstores in my neighbourhood. One is having deep discounts on various products every week and other sales campaigns, incl. advertising leaflets distributed to each household. The other one doesn’t do much advertising and no sales at all, but has a fairly low, transparent standard pricing and fairly uncluttered stores (less offer-POS stuff).

Which one would you go to if you needed something right now, and where for things to stock for potential later use? For me, the one with sales is just too stressful to follow. Everytime I buy something for the normal price, I feel like I probably paid more than necessary, pondering if I shouldn’t wait with the toothpaste because it might be on offer next week. And if something is on offer, I buy products, brands and quantities I would never buy (or need) otherwise. But the worst thing is that I totally know how ads and marketing work and I still regularly fall for their tricks. I’m just avoiding these stores and advertisers now.


Taking Over Type Foundries

Type foundries taking over other type foundries is a common thing in type history, but Linotype wasn’t the company at the front of actions.

1897 takes over Juxberg-Rust, Offenbach
1915 takes over Roos & Junge, Offenbach
1919 takes over Hoffmeister, Leipzig
1919 takes over typefaces of Drugulin, Leipzig
1929 takes over Genzsch & Heyse, Hamburg
(together with Berthold and Bauer)
1933 acquires shares in Benjamin Krebs (Successors), Frankfurt
1954 takes over majority of shares of Haas, Münchenstein
(stakes since 1927)
1956 takes over rest of Klingspor shares (majority since 1917)
1960 takes over majority of shares Berthold & Stempel, Vienna
1970 takes over parts of C.E. Weber (rest to Johannes Wagner, Ingolstadt)
1978 Berthold and Stempel type founding activities handed off to Haas
1985 liquidation of Stempel AG through Linotype GmbH, Eschborn
1986 foundry type distribution and machinery goes to Schriftenservice Stempel / Rainer Gerstenberg
1989 Linotype takes over Haas and hands off type founding to Walter Fruttiger (Fruttiger AG)

1978 takes over Olive, Marseille
1972 takes over Deberny & Peignot, Paris
1982 takes over Grafisk Compagni, Kopenhagen
1989 Linotype liquidates Haas and takes over names and right, type founding goes to Fruttiger AG, Münchenstein
1990 Fruttiger AG takes over rests of Società Nebiolo, Turin (closed 1978)

1963 takes over rest of Genzsch & Heyse, Hamburg with Stempel
1986 takes over Stempel AG, Frankfurt (majority of shares since 1941)

Interview-Fundstück von Mai 2009

Dies ist ein Interview, das ich einer Studentin (?) der HGB Leipzig im Mai 2009 per email gab. Leider habe ich den ganzen Kontext vergessen.


1. Wie sind Sie zum ersten Mal in Berührung mit Typografie gekommen?

In der Oberstufe des Gymnasium im normalen Kunstunterricht bei Frau Schüssler haben wir uns an Grafikdesign versucht und dafür aus Letraset-Katalogen Schriften abgezeichnet. Auch Schriftklassifikation war Bestandteil des Unterrichts, aber an den Begriff »Typografie« kann ich mich von damals nicht bewusst erinnern. Auf den traf ich an einem Türschild in den ersten Wochen im Studium und er übte irgendwie eine magische Faszination auf mich aus.


2. Was war der Auslöser für Ihre Entscheidung, in Weimar zu studieren?

Die Fakultät Gestaltung wurde in dem Jahr gegründet, als ich Abitur machte. Und davon erfuhr eigentlich nur, wer Kontakt zu jemandem an der Hochschule hatte. Eigentlich wollte ich nicht in Weimar studieren, bzw. bis dahin wurde Grafik-Design, oder wie auch immer die Studiengänge hießen, auch in Weimar gar nicht angeboten. Ich plante erst mal, ein Jahr ins Ausland zu gehen, da ich nach den Abiturprüfungen viel zu spät für die Bewerbungsrunden gewesen wäre. Aber in Weimar gab es ein Nachrückverfahren, zu dem man sich im Juni noch bewerben konnte. So bin ich da eher zufällig gelandet und das (zu Beginn doch recht wilden) Projektstudiums hat ebenfalls zufällig wie die Faust aufs Auge zu mir gepasst. Über das Studiensystem war im Vorfeld der Bewerbung nichts in Erfahrung zu bringen, oder ich habe mich nicht richtig erkundigt, hätte aber wahrscheinlich auch keinen großen Einfluss auf mich gehabt, weil ich damals eventuelle Vor- oder Nachteile gar nicht einschätzen konnte.


3. Was bedeutet Typografie für Sie?

Das habe ich an anderer Stelle mal so formuliert: Sie macht mir das Leben leichter. Sie ordnet Texte, die ich lesen soll, so vor, dass ich sie besser verstehe, bzw. leichter lesen/erfassen kann oder ich manches auch nur überfliegen muss und trotzdem das Wichtigste mitbekomme. Und sie sagt mir schon von außen, ob »das« überhaupt für mich gedacht ist und ich den Text lesen will/soll. Außerdem macht sie mir das Leben schön (Typografie ist bekanntermaßen die tollste Sache der Welt).


4. Womit beschäftigen Sie sich in der Typografie am liebsten?

Schriftwahl! Außerdem Details und Mikrosachen wie Umbruch, Trennungen, Auszeichnungen, Satz etc. Ich habe einen Hang zum Satzfehler finden. Noch bevor ich irgendwas lese, springen sie mich förmlich an – zum Leidwesen meiner Studenten.


5. Wer oder was hat Sie besonders beeinflusst?

Meine Aufenthalte in Berlin bei MetaDesign und in den Niederlanden bei Fred Smeijers. Aus Berlin brachte ich die Pingeligkeit für richtigen Satz mit (von der sie in Holland, wo ich danach hin ging, eher etwas irritiert waren). Dann traf ich Fred Smeijers und er rüttelte in mir dann endgültig die Liebe zur Schrift auf, brachte mir viel bei, fand aber auch, dass mein Forscherdrang damals fast bisschen zu umfassend und analytisch war. Ich saugte alle geschichtlichen Schinken auf, die ich finden konnte. Weimar hat tolle Bibliotheken.


6. Haben Sie momentan eine Lieblingsschrift?

Da könnte ich je nach Tagesform eine andere nennen. Und natürlich je nach Anwendung. Ich habe eine Zuneigung zu kantigen Schriften (z.B. California/Deepdene, bzw. fast alle von Dwiggins), vergessenen (Loreley, fast alle von Georg Salden), unterrepräsentierten (Folio, fast alle von Walter Baum) und schwer handhabbaren (Spectrum, fast alle von Jan van Krimpen). Und ich mag fast alle Schriften von Cyrus Highsmith und Fred Smeijers.


7.Was gefällt Ihnen am meisten an Ihrem Beruf?

Das analytisch-forschend-friemelige. Das ist aber weniger berufsimmanent als eher mein Charakter, bzw. Herangehensweise. Ich bin nicht so ein Bild-/Plakat-Mensch (es sei denn typografische Plakate), lieber gestalte ich mehrseitige Drucksachen, Bücher mir vielen Texthierarchien, wo ich Stilformat-mäßig in die Vollen gehen kann. Andererseits scheinen da doch zwei Herzen in meiner Brust zu schlagen: immer wenn ich eine Weile vor allem textlastige Bücher gemacht habe, wünsche ich mir mal wieder ein komplexes Werk mit vielen Bildern und Zeichnungen – und umgekehrt.


8. Gibt es einen anderen Beruf, der Sie noch reizen würde?

Bis kurz vor dem Abitur wollte ich eigentlich Chemie studieren. Anstatt dritte Fremdsprache habe ich experimentelle Naturwissenschaften belegt. Jetzt nützt mir mein Restwissen zwar immer noch in der Küche, aber inzwischen wäre es schon praktischer, wenn ich ein bisschen Französisch könnte. Wenn die Arbeitszeiten anders wären, könnte ich mir auch »Bäcker« vorstellen.


9. Ist Ihnen schon mal ein typografischer Fehler unterlaufen? (bei einer wichtigen Publikation o.ä.) 

Na klar – aber inzwischen sind die Missgeschicke weniger typografischer Natur. Falsche Papierlaufrichtung hatte ich natürlich schon, Text im nicht beachteten Falz auf dem Einband, Bild in Bildschirmauflösung … Mit meinem eigenen Buch habe ich (unverschuldet) von der Produktionsseite her die wildesten Sachen erlebt. In der ersten Auflage wurden Andruckbögen mit eingebunden, bei der zweiten die Braille-Schrift gedreht geprägt, bei der dritten erst falsche Papierlaufrichtung, bei der vierten Auflage ist dann gleich alles verrutscht. Es ist doch meistens so: wenn etwas frisch aus der Druckerei kommt, schlägt man es auf und findet sofort den ersten Makel. Und wenn es nur eine Zeile ist, die ich lieber anders umbrochen hätte.


10. Gibt es einen Ort, an dem Sie gerne leben würden, da er besonders inspirierend auf Sie wirkt?

Beruflich inspirierend? Mh, ich habe schon einige Orte durch. In Hamburg z.B. habe ich sehr gerne gewohnt. Die Niederlanden mag ich auch immer noch. Außerdem Finnland, bzw. Skandinavien allgemein hat eine Designaura, die mich anspricht. In Düsseldorf, das darf man im Rheinland ja immer nicht so laut sagen, hat es mir z.B. auch sehr gut gefallen. Das hat aber natürlich immer etwas mit dem Haus, der Wohnung, der Gegend, der Arbeit, der Freunde und dem ganzen Umfeld zu tun. Allgemein und unabhängig vom Land könnte man vielleicht sagen, dass ich eher ein urbaner Dachgeschosswohnungsmensch bin und die Stadt in jedem Fall einen Fluss oder anderes Wasser haben muss. Mein Traum ist ein fahrbares Hausboot mit innerstädtischem Liegeplatz, mit Garten, in Bahnhofsnähe, mit toller Aussicht wie im 4. Stock und nicht feucht und ohne Spinnen.


11. Lesen Sie zur Zeit ein Buch, und wenn ja, welches?

Oh jee, viele – an jedem Ort liegt ein anderes: The Learner (zweiter Roman von Chip Kidd), Im Land der letzten Dinge (erschütternd), Die wilde Geschichte des Wassertrinkers (urkomisch) und seit Monaten Die Buddenbrooks neben dem Bett (zäh). Ich fange auf beinahe jeder längeren Zugfahrt ein neues an.


12. Von welcher Tätigkeit/Beschäftigung hat Sie dieses Interview abgehalten?

Ich war eigentlich gerade dabei, Buchstabenteile mit ihren englischen und deutschen Begriffen zu beschriften für den Umschlag meines nächsten Buches. Dann liegen hier noch mehr Anfragen bzgl. Statements, Empfehlungen und e-mails, die sich aufgestaut haben. Und ich habe die ganze Zeit so kalte Füße, dass ich mir längst Socken anziehen wollte.


Und am Rande: Welche Farben gefallen Ihnen besonders gut?

Alle außer Lila und ihre Verwandten.


Typographers are scholars

says Dan Solo:

… typographers are all interested in the history of printing type.

There comes a point at which, if you become a typographer, you’ll become a scholar. The two go hand in hand. It can’t be otherwise. I doubt that there are any really good typographers who are not scholars by nature. They may not be knowledgeable about anything else, but they all know a great deal about why things are designed the way they are.

And continuing

… if you know how good work looks like, you’ll do good work. But you get young people out of school (and I hate to say it this way, because I sound like such an old curmudgeon), and they have never done design or typography any other way than by computer. Their entire thinking is structured by what the computer will do so easily. It’s bad in typography because many of them believe that if the computer spaced it, it must be right. A typographer can’t live with that.

From a great interview Steven Heller conducted in 1998 for his book Design Dialogues, reproduced on Imprint in May 2012 shortly after Solo’s death.


Alastair Johnston rants about Helvetica

This isn’t a Blue Pencil (could never challenge master Shaw), just a lazy, quick TextEdit. Alastair Johnston wrote an article on Helvetica posted on Smashing Magazine yesterday. I don’t want to comment on his strong opinion and cut out most of his subjective ranting. But some facts seem to have gotten a bit wonky.

He writes:

The other day someone sent me a link to a website with the preposterous title of “The 100 Best Typefaces of All Time”. Topping the chart was Helvetica, and that stirred my ire. I dismissed the list because it was based on marketing figures from one source, FontShop, coupled with the opinions of half a dozen Berlin-based typographers, but I was still incensed.

This was a survey done by FontShop Germany in 2006, and included more than just Berlin-based typographers. Said FontShop website has precise info on the jury and criteria:

Roger Black, Danilo Black, Inc., USA
Stephen Coles, Typographica, USA
Jan Middendorp, Publicist, Berlin
Veronika Elsner, Elsner + Flake, Hamburg
Bertram Schmidt-Friderichs, TDC / Hermann Schmidt, Mainz
Ralf Herrmann, TypoForum, Weimar
Claudia Guminski, FontShop, Marketing, Berlin

Criteria of the ranking:
Sales figures: 40%
Historical significance: 30%
Aesthetic quality: 30%

The ranking does not include free fonts or components from operating systems or software (Arial, Verdana, etc.), but focuses exclusively on licensable printers’ typefaces. Types which, over the centuries, have been interpreted individually by several different foundries (Bodoni, Garamond, Futura and so on) were judged collectively and included as a single entry.

For Helvetica, an explanation of its history helps to explain its longevity. Most typeface designs are the result of fashion or changes in taste; some are technologically driven. When iron printing presses were introduced around 1800, sharper, crisper types such as Bodoni and Didot were created. When laser printers came along in the mid-1980s, with their bitmapped fonts, students in Holland began producing typefaces that reflected the quality of the poor printing. Letters in Studio [sic] (Eindhoven, Lecturis, 1983) shows examples by Jelle Bosma and Petr van Blokland designed on a 40-pixel grid. Emigré, an early digital type foundry, produced Oakland (1985) and other lo-res types for the market.

Laser printers use outline fonts, bitmap fonts were used for screen representation or matrix printers. The name of the Dutch booklet he refers to is “Letters in studie”, meaning “typefaces in the making”, or “in study” or “experiment”.

At that time, two sans-serif types introduced in the late 1920s dominated the market for advertising. These were Monotype Gill Sans and Futura, of the German Stempel foundry.

Futura is a typeface by the Bauer typefoundry.

Suddenly there was a rush to create, imitate or revive sans-serif types. The Berthold foundry of Berlin dusted off the matrices for its Akzidenz Grotesk (1898), while their rivals, the Haas Type Foundry of Basel, decided to rework Schelter Grotesk, which had been issued by the Leipziger Schelter & Giesecke foundry in 1880. This became Neue Haas Grotesk in 1957, which was then picked up by the Stempel foundry in Frankfurt. It wanted to identify the type with the emerging popularity of Swiss graphic design and chose the ancient Roman name of Switzerland, Helvetia, and so Helvetica was reborn in 1961.

This is an incredibly brief summary of 30 years. Or what time does the author talk about when he says “suddenly”. Berthold did not rework Akzidenz-Grotesk until after Helvetica was issued (and became threateningly successful), it had been available ever since 1898, just became very popular in the 1950s. Neue Haas-Grotesk was based on Haas’ Französische Grotesk (which was based on Breite halbfette Grotesk by Schelter & Giesecke) and Haas’ Normal-Grotesk (which was based on Neue Moderne Grotesk by Wagner & Schmidt) with an eye on competing typefaces like AG and Monotype Grotesque. NHG was not “picked up” by Stempel but insistently offered to them by Haas against their initial skepticism.

The reason for the popularity of Gill Sans and Futura was that they turned their back on these Grotesks of the 19th century, which were worn out. Eric Gill took a new approach: pen-made humanist calligraphy was the basis for his type (he had also worked on the drawings for the London Underground alphabet with his mentor, Edward Johnston). These letters made more coherent word shapes and were easier to read than Grotesks. But Gill’s type standardized the distinct curled-tail “l” and shed-roofed figure “1” of Johnston’s design, which led to confusion with the capital “I” (a problem in many sans serifs).

Paul Renner’s Futura was designed to reflect the new machine age, with simple geometric shapes, straight lines and circles that gave it a cool Art Deco elegance. Both types are now imbued with a lot of cultural baggage, so Gill suggests the British Broadcasting Corporation and Futura has become nostalgic shorthand for the era of streamlining.

But in the 1930s, these two types were immensely popular in Europe and North America, and the other founders had to respond quickly. Returning to the 19th century should have been out of the question for the competition, except that the German foundries had been flattened in the Second World War and were slow to retool.

I don’t understand what the author wants to say in that last paragraph. Geometric sans-serifs were popular in the 1930s, yes, and all foundries “had to” issue their own, yes, almost all did, but well before German foundries cut down type production from 1942 on. Also, it never seized completely. Some foundries were destroyed in the war, for instance Klingspor, but others, like e.g. Stempel, not at all. The surge in the use of grotesques such as Akzidenz-Grotesk and – not to forget – Monotype Grotesque is rooting in the 1950s in Switzerland, and later the design of the so called “neo-grotesk” faces. The taste in typefaces was rather different in Germany with Futura, Erbar and Neuzeit still widely used after WW2. Also, the more calligraphy inspired style of Schneidler, Trump and Zapf was very popular.

Helvetica became a national brand, an identity for the popular “Swiss style” of typography of Emil Ruder and Armin Hofmann, which quickly spread as their well-indoctrinated students took the new look back to Yale and other American schools.

As Paul Barnes pointed out rightly: “As Ruder & Hofmann were of the Basle school they used Univers/Akzidenz Grotesk not Helvetica”. Fuelling the rivalry between the Swiss “schools”, Zürichers like Hans Neuburg and Josef Müller-Brockmann were advocating Helvetica. The latter designed promotional material for NHG and Helvetica such as the famous Satzklebebuch binder. Only Basel based designer Albert Gromm once designed one of the initial marketing flyers for Helvetica in 1959.

From BMW, Bayer and Lufthansa in Germany, the Helvetica look spread to Bank of America, Knoll, Panasonic, Target, Crate&Barrel, JC Penney, Mattel, American Airlines, Sears, Microsoft and other corporations.


Graffiti protesting Bank of America in Berkeley, California, is chalked in a convincing Helvetica form.

Bank of America does not use Helvetica, their corporate typeface is Franklin Gothic. The chalk artist does’t even try to mimic Helvetica but the bank’s actual typeface.

In the late ’90s Microsoft was selling a million copies of Word each month and gave away 14 fonts with its program. Its knock-off of Helvetica is called Arial. Linotype had taken over Stempel, and then Haas, and so consolidated its ownership of Helvetica and many of the clones.

Stempel had held Haas shares since 1927, first 45%, from 1954 on 51%. Stempel’s majority of shares was owned by Linotype. Haas bought Deberny & Peignot (and thus Univers) in 1972. When Stempel closed in 1985, their Haas shares went to Linotype, who purchased all rights to the Haas foundry in 1989.

After the adoption of the Swiss style internationally, another event caused the persistence of Helvetica: the arrival of the personal computer. Apple could fit only a few types into the memory of its LaserWriter printer driver. Times and Helvetica were decided by executive fiat (based on their popularity at the time); Symbol and Courier were required by the operating system. Then, a team of experts was called in to choose more types: Palatino, Zapf Chancery, Avant Garde, Bookman and Century Schoolbook were picked by committee. One of the committee, Sumner Stone, told me, “In retrospect they seem pretty strange and random. … Times and Helvetica were redrawn, and with Helvetica the narrow and oblique came free because it was just an algorithm.” With only garbage to pick from, there was a visual blight of Times, Helvetica and Palatino in the early days of “desktop publishing,” which lasted well beyond their sell-by date.

My impression is that people hating Helvetica never really looked at the original but are – rightfully – detesting this lousy version that comes with computer operating systems, digitized in a hurry in the early days of PostScript. For a detailed comparison and more information on Helvetica’s history see the Neue Haas Grotesk feature site.

The original design of Neue Haas-Grotesk was not as square as Neue Helvetica. Also, I wouldn’t say that a, s and e in Helvetica “have many  characters that resemble one another”, as he suggest in the following paragraphs, but that rather I, l or rn and m can be confused.

Of course, most lay people can’t tell one sans serif from another. When people say they prefer Helvetica to Arial because the latter is a bad copy, I ask if there’s a difference between a Big Mac and a Whopper, and, more to the point, would you honestly feed either to your kids?

Adrian Frutiger, “Mister Univers” himself, tried to improve on Helvetica with the Univer [sic] series, begun in 1954 (and he succeeded, causing the Helvetians to expand their family of weights in response), but then, in his maturer years, he turned his back on Univers to design the family that bears his own name (Frutiger, 1976).

Frutiger did not try “to improve on Helvetica”. Maybe he tried to improve the grotesque model/genre. Frutiger begun work on Univers much earlier than Haas did with Neue Haas-Grotesk. Both typefaces were released at the same time, with all foundries knowing about the work of the others (also Bauer with Folio, released the same year, 1957). The expansion of Helvetica was not “caused” by Univers.



Comparison of four sans serifs from “My Fonts” [sic]

Everything about Helvetica is repellant: from its uptight aura to its smug, splendid isolation. How it persists in the face of such brilliant alternatives as Frutiger and Syntax defies logic.

It would help if the samples of each typeface showed the same text/characters, which is very easy to do on MyFonts. What a weak image to prove debatable points.

Can’t bring myself to quote the rest of the article, read on over at Smashing mag.


The Hamilton Woodtype Museum is the coolest place in type world!

Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum

However, they are being forced to move out of the old Hamilton factory building that houses them and have not funds enough to do so. A minimum of $250,000 is needed to pack up the 30,000 sq. feet of printing history and move to a new home yet to be found. Please consider helping them by making a donation. If you’re working in the creative field get a membership for yourself and your co-workers, or suggest to your employer to give memberships this year for christmas. You can also contact the museum director Jim Moran for further information: Jim.Moran@woodtype.org

Donate via their official PayPal button above or this form. There is also an official press release.

Photo above by Lester Public Library from our TypeCon field trip this summer. All other photos and the video tour by Nick Sherman, one of the wonderful activists for Hamilton and board member of the museum.

Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum

The stacks

T’rivers, ’Scansin

More on flickr.

Notes from Lyon

Posted via email from Starbucks, the only working wifi in town.

James Mosley is the best!

“There has been a lot of rubbish written about type history.”

“I’m thinking of Updike who thought he knew everything about type, but in fact he didn’t know type at all.”

“One hero is Harry Carter. And then a young chap called Mike Parker came along.”


Type used in Germany’s best designed books of 2012

Germany’s Stiftung Buchkunst just published the “Best Designed Books” of 2012 on a new website. I quickly distilled the typefaces in use. All other details regarding design and production, as well as photos can be found on the individual pages for each book.

What is interesting to note is that – compared to former years (I recorded the font use of some years back 10 years ago) – the diversity is much higher. Only few typefaces appear twice, or if we count the different Garamonds three times max. This is a great development in my opinion. Current fad: monospaced fonts.


On Responsive Typography

The idea of responsive web design and layout – as it was discussed in the past two years, e.g. by Ethan Marcotte – is to have a set of specifications that adjust to the requirements of a device, resulting in different layouts on different devices.

The idea of responsive typography – as it was discussed in the past months, e.g. by Oliver Reichenstein of iA – is to get the exact same impression of a typeface used for a text regardless of the device it is viewed on. But there is more to typography than just the typeface and the term responsive typography, in my opinion, is used ambiguously here. It should cover all aspects of typography and not just the topic of graded “responsive fonts” for different resolutions.

Typography is defined by typographic parameters. These are what you specify for composition. They all influence readability and they influence each other, meaning you cannot look at them isolated. That is:
– font (style, weight)
– font size
– line length
– line spacing
– word space
– letter spacing, tracking
– alignment, justification, hyphenation
– line breaks, paragraph breaks, make-up
– colour, contrast

If you specify these things and send it to someone at the other end of the world, they can reproduce the exact same column of text. This is the basic idea of typography. But – is the idea of “responsiveness” to ensure the exact same design or to adjust the parameters for optimal output on a specific device? What is optimal typography on a standard TFT screen is not the same as what might be optimal on a phone, even if we ensure the font weight in both versions look the same. The resolution and rendering method is different but also other screen settings like contrast and colour, the format, and the reading distance is different.

Shorter lines can get away with smaller font sizes, smaller word spaces, less line spacing but they need hyphenation for good line breaks e.g. (Please don’t force the lines to be even shorter – use small margins in phone layouts!). Larger formats on the other hand mean larger reading distance. Thus they call for larger font sizes, longer lines, more line spacing, larger margins. Small text sizes require fonts with rather wide proportions, a large x-height and open apertures. Larger fonts can get lighter in weight, more detailed, contrasted, and more tightly spaced.

To cut a long story short – what I want to say is, that there are many more important setscrews that have to be concerted and that determine good typography and optimal readability than just the stroke weight of a typeface. The text column has to look harmonious, with legible letterforms and good spacing, achieved by a rhythmical pattern of black strokes and the white space inbetween, with evenly rendered stems, well attuned word spaces and line spacing.

I would want to choose a typeface and settings that generally ensure this. Possible minor differences in font weight from one device to another don’t matter much to me, as long as the thing in a whole can be read comfortably. But maybe us print designers, who had to deal with different papers, printing methods and dot gains all our lives, have just idly learned to come to terms with it. Colour and the contrast of the screen are much more crucial. All the finetuned optimization are at risk to get screwed up by a user who has his crisp retina display set to full brightness. And that cannot be responded to.